New to Rugby? Rugby Union is a fast and exciting full-contact team sport that is growing very quickly in the United States. We currently field competitive 7s, 10s, and 15s sides. Our team includes life-long ruggers, experienced cross-over athletes, complete beginners, and social members. If any of these descriptions fit you, please contact us below.

Why Old Gold?
Old Gold can offer you hard-earned bumps and bruises, the opportunity to train and compete at a high level, and a close-knit team and lively social environment. If you are new to Boston, recently graduated from your college rugby program, or are just looking to try a new sport, we encourage you to reach out in the form below to get in contact with a recruiter.
Additionally, you can contact a recruiter via Instagram DM @oldgoldrugby, email us at oldgoldrugby@gmail.com, or fill out the form below.
Summer 2023 practices will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays at Moakley Park, 1005 Columbia Road, Boston, MA 02127
DM us on Instagram @oldgoldrugby,
Join us at practice 7PM Tues. and Thurs. at Moakley Park, 1005 Columbia Road. Boston MA, 02127
Message us below: